Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saying goodbye to Australia for a bit

Tomorrow morning I leave for Vanuatu for 6 weeks on outreach. We will be doing building projects and village ministry. The third week we are there we have the opportunity to go to a mountain village. It is a 2-3 day hike up the mountain and 2-3 day hike down. That makes me a little nervous, but I know God will take care of us. Please keep us in your prayers, especially for the hike, for the people we come in contact with, and all the building that we will be doing (that we will get lots accomplished and for safety in that). My team has 6 people and then after 3 weeks another team will join us that has 5 people. Vanuatu is supposedly very beautiful and we will get to see some amazing sights, but it is remote and we will not have access to lots of things-no running water, no electricity, no internet (except maybe in town that is a 30 minute boat ride away). I'm excited about living a simple lifestyle for a little while! The picture below is from a girl who went last year. This is one of the buildings at the YWAM base there with the ocean in the background.

The past few weeks here have been good and relaxing, but at the same time still getting things ready for leaving. All the other outreach teams that went to other locations have already left. It was interesting to have all your friends that you've been around everyday for the past 4 months to leave. I've also been thinking about all the things that I've learned while I've been here. I've learned so much. It is hard to think about just the major things, but all the little things make it something major. One big thing I think I've realized more of is the power of prayer. I've learned to pray about everything big or tiny. Also, the big things that we think we can do nothing about, it so powerful to pray for those things, like praying for our world leaders, praying against poverty and disease, praying for world issues. Yes, those are huge things, but when we pray we stand in the gap for those things. Of course, we can do more than just pray, but when the situation seems overwhelming why not intercede for it until we know what else we can do. That has been something God has challenged me with to pray for the issues that break God's heart even when I feel like I can do nothing else. I've been challenged by so many things while I have been here and God has helped my realize more of His provision and how much He cares for me.

I may have internet again, but I don't know when. I'll try and keep people updated as much as possible!

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