Kim (our leader) told this story about one of her friends from this base that was diagnosed with cancer and died this past January. It made me think about my friend and how recently she died of colon cancer. Those things are so hard to understand why God, but her point was about trusting God. She actually shared a recorded message that this girl had spoke on trust before the whole cancer thing. It was just very real to me. She also talked about how we give God's characteristics definitions that God has not really defined, but that we have defined, like provider means He will provide everything we want/think we need, but sometimes that's not God's definition of providing....although he really will give us everything we absolutely need. Also, sometimes we just have to trust in God's power. We sometimes make him seem like he has so little power when his power is infinite. Although we don't understand he does and knows what he's doing. I feel like I'm rambling, but my main point is that God is already teaching me things!
Along with all that God is doing here are some interesting facts about being here:
I have to take a 4-5 minute shower (Queensland is always short on water), but its hot water, so I can’t really complain too much.It does get cold here…esp
ecially while camping
You can buy pretty much anything here that you could buy at home, which is much different from anywhere else I’ve been,
You can buy pretty much anything here that you could buy at home, which is much different from anywhere else I’ve been,
We all have work duties because the base is our home-mine is dinner cleanup
I think I was expecting cafeteria type food and its nothing close to that. All the food at the base has been great!
We have actual lectures, which so far is not like real school, but you do learn lots
People you know can actually get lost on mountains
I’m sleeping in room full of bunk beds with 12 other girls-I have a top bunk
We have a Target in the mall, which is only like 7 minutes walk from here. Amazing- since I love Target, but unfortunately its not exactly the same, but its still good.
I’m sleeping in room full of bunk beds with 12 other girls-I have a top bunk
We have a Target in the mall, which is only like 7 minutes walk from here. Amazing- since I love Target, but unfortunately its not exactly the same, but its still good.
Some other basic info: We have 20 students and 6 leaders. Most of the students are from the US which is surprising to me, but there's 1 from finland, 1 from sweden, 2 from holland, 2 from australia, 3 leaders from canada, 1 from switzerland, 1 from denmark, and 1 american girl who's parents were missionaries in taiwan so she grew up there. We have 12 girl students and 4 girl leaders. It just depends on the days about our class times. We have been having lectures in the mornings from 9:30-12:30 and we have had intercession times, and worship times in the morning also. We have all shared our testimonies has part of teaching/learning about each other. Other times we do work chores, like mine is cleaning up after dinner with 4 other students. On saturday afternoons we work around our base either yard work, painting, working out in the community, or with youth. We also have some free time to go to the park and meet local people or play sports. All of our meals are at the school and we have 2 leaders who are in charge of cooking and the food has been really good!
Meagan, I enjoyed reading your new entry. As always, I am so proud of you. You are such a blessing. Stay safe. Love you, Momma